This is the work that's required of us now.

These are challenging times and what's required of us now is a new way of being in the world.

I'm gathering a small group of men who are ready to go within, to truly transform their lives in service of their relationships, their work and purpose, their community and this planet.

It's an intensive 12 week program, we'll meet weekly online and connect in-between sessions via email and WhatsApp.

Numbers will be strictly limited to 6 men. There will be plenty of 1:1 coaching as well as the kind of learning and growth that can only come from working alongside others who are committed to accountability and supporting each other.

Add your name to the waitlist, I'll send more information and you'll have first access to this.

If this feels like a calling for you, join us.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.